Established by Grandmaster Mak Hin Fai in 1974, Mak Fai Kung Fu Dragon & Lion Dance Assn. is Seattle's premier lion dance troupe, performing hundreds of shows year-round. Highlighting members of Mak Fai, we learn the importance of martial arts and lion dancing, as well as the culture and community behind it. Through these interviews, we see lion dancing as a tool to teach Asian American youth the importance of preserving tradition, appreciating culture, and building community.
With the collective help from my teammates, these videos showcase our kung fu, lion, and dragon dancing skills!
November 5, 2024, The 20th Annual Davey Awards,
Gold Davey Winner in Arts & Culture,
Silver Davey Winner in SportsOctober 30, 2024, Asian Film Festival, Los Angeles Hollywood
- Official Selection
- Finalist: International Short Film
May 23, 2023, The 44th Annual Telly Awards,
Gold Telly Winner in Sports,
Silver Telly Winner in Arts & Cultural,
Bronze Telly Winner in Lifestyle,
Bronze Telly Winner in Student
February 23, 2023, Seattle Asian American Film Festival
- Nominee: Cinemetropolis Award (WA State Filmmaker)
- Nominee: Best Overall Short
December 1, 2022, Asian Film Festival, Los Angeles Hollywood
- Official Selection
- Winner: Best Sports Documentary Short Film
- Nominee: Seattle Filmmaker Award
September 29, 2022, NW Asian Weekly
September 21, 2022, LA Student Film Festival
- Official Selection
August 21, 2022, Seattle Film Summit
- Official Selection
July 30, 2022, Fentress Student Film Fest
- Winner: Best Director, College Student
July 29, 2022, Mixed Asian Media Fest
- Official Selection
April 30, 2022, Huntington Beach Cultural Cinema Showcase
- Screened on Huntington Beach TV (channel 3) from May 9 - 31.
MHF KF&LD Official Logo:
To preserve the intricate details within each lion, I converted the images into graphic elements, making sure to respect the craft and culture surrounding lion dancing, and to set Mak Fai's logo to higher tier of graphic representation. Combining calligraphy done by Quan Tan, the logo was then finalized with a circular seal. I then made an associated logo for Mak Fai members who attend Garfield High School, Garfield Lion Dance Team.
MHF KF&LD 45th Anniversary:
33.5" x 79" signing banner, 45th Anniversary tees, postcards and invitations, all created to make one of the biggest Lion Dance parade and celebration happen in Seattle Chinatown.
MHF KF&LD Website:
I created the website through WIX. Book a show with us by searching "Seattle Lion Dance, Mak Fai," or go to